App Onboarding

App Onboarding

About this codelab

subjectLast updated Apr 20, 2022
account_circleWritten by Christopher Grant

1. Before you begin

  1. Sign-in to the Google Cloud Console and create a new project or reuse an existing one. If you don't already have a Gmail or Google Workspace account, you must create one.




  • The Project name is the display name for this project's participants. It is a character string not used by Google APIs, and you can update it at any time.
  • The Project ID must be unique across all Google Cloud projects and is immutable (cannot be changed after it has been set). The Cloud Console auto-generates a unique string; usually you don't care what it is. In most codelabs, you'll need to reference the Project ID (and it is typically identified as PROJECT_ID), so if you don't like it, generate another random one, or, you can try your own and see if it's available. Then it's "frozen" after the project is created.
  • There is a third value, a Project Number which some APIs use. Learn more about all three of these values in the documentation.
  1. Next, you'll need to enable billing in the Cloud Console in order to use Cloud resources/APIs. Running through this codelab shouldn't cost much, if anything at all. To shut down resources so you don't incur billing beyond this tutorial, follow any "clean-up" instructions found at the end of the codelab. New users of Google Cloud are eligible for the $300 USD Free Trial program.

2. Preparing your workspace

  1. Open Cloud Shell editor by visiting the following url

  1. Ensure your project name is set in CLI

gcloud config set project {{project-id}}

export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format='value(projectNumber)')

  1. Enable APIs

gcloud services enable \ \

  1. Provide rights to CloudDeploy

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding --member="serviceAccount:${PROJECT_NUMBER}" --role roles/clouddeploy.admin ${PROJECT_ID}

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding --member="serviceAccount:${PROJECT_NUMBER}" --role roles/container.developer ${PROJECT_ID}

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding --member="serviceAccount:${PROJECT_NUMBER}" --role roles/iam.serviceAccountUser ${PROJECT_ID}

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding --member="serviceAccount:${PROJECT_NUMBER}" --role roles/clouddeploy.jobRunner ${PROJECT_ID}

  1. In the terminal window clone the application source with the following command:

git clone

  1. Change into the directory and set the IDE workspace to the repo root

cd software-delivery-workshop && rm -rf .git

cd delivery-platform && cloudshell workspace .

3. Utilizing predefined & custom app templates

Developers should be able to choose from a set of templates commonly used within the organization. The onboarding process will create a centralized set of template repositories stored in your GitHub account. In later steps these template repositories will be copied and modified for use as the base for new applications. For this lab you will seed your template repository with a sample structure provided here. You can add your own templates by adding additional folders modeled after the sample.

In this step you will create your own repository to hold app templates, from the example files provided. A helper script is provided to simplify the interactions with GitHub.

These are one time steps used to populate your template repositories. Future steps will reused these repositories.

Configure GitHub Access

The steps in this tutorial call the GitHub API to create and configure repositories. Your GitHub username and a personal access token are required at various points that follow. The script below will help you acquire the values and store them as local variables for later use.

source ./

echo Git Username: $GIT_USERNAME

echo Git Base URL: $GIT_BASE_URL

Create App Template Repository

Sample application templates are provided along with this lab as an example of how you might integrate your own base templates. In this step you create your own copy of these files in a repo called mcd-app-templates in your GitHub account.

  1. Copy the template to the working directory

cp -R $BASE_DIR/resources/repos/app-templates $WORK_DIR

cd $WORK_DIR/app-templates

  1. Create an empty remote repository in your GitHub account

$BASE_DIR/scripts/git/ create mcd-app-templates

  1. Push the template repository to your remote repository

git init && git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main && git add . && git commit -m "initial commit"

git remote add origin $GIT_BASE_URL/mcd-app-templates

git push origin main

  1. Clean up the working directory


rm -rf $WORK_DIR/app-templates

Create Shared Base Configs Repository

This tutorial utilizes a tool called Kustomize that uses base configuration files shared by multiple teams then overlays application specific configurations over top. This enables platform teams to scale across many teams and environments.

In this step you create the shared configuration repository called mcd-shared_kustomize from the samples provided

  1. Copy the template to the working directory

cp -R $BASE_DIR/resources/repos/shared-kustomize $WORK_DIR

cd $WORK_DIR/shared-kustomize

  1. Create an empty remote repository in your GitHub account

$BASE_DIR/scripts/git/ create mcd-shared_kustomize

  1. Push the template repository to your remote repository

git init && git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main && git add . && git commit -m "initial commit"

git remote add origin $GIT_BASE_URL/mcd-shared_kustomize

git push origin main

  1. Clean up the working directory


rm -rf $WORK_DIR/shared-kustomize

With your template repositories created you're ready to use them to create an app instance

4. Creating a new instance of an application

Creating a new application from a template often requires that placeholder variables be swapped out with real values across multiple files in the template structure. Once the substitution is completed a new repository is created for the new app instance. It is this app instance repository that the developers will clone and work with in their day to day development.

In this step you will substitute values in an app template and post the resulting files to a new repository.

Define a name for the new application

export APP_NAME=my-app

Retrieve the Golang template repository


git clone -b main $GIT_BASE_URL/mcd-app-templates app-templates

rm -rf app-templates/.git

cd app-templates/golang

Substitute placeholder values

One of the most common needs for onboarding is swapping out variables in templates for actual instances used in the application. For example providing the application name. The following command creates instances of all .tmpl files with the values stored in environment variables.

for template in $(find . -name '*.tmpl'); do envsubst < ${template} > ${template%.*}; done

Create a new repo and store the updated files

  1. Create an empty remote repository in your GitHub account

$BASE_DIR/scripts/git/ create ${APP_NAME}

  1. Push the template repository to your remote repository

git init && git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main && git add . && git commit -m "initial commit"

git remote add origin $GIT_BASE_URL/${APP_NAME}

git push origin main

Now that the app instance has been created it's time to implement continuous builds.

5. Configuring automated pipeline execution

The central part of a Continuous Integration system is the ability to execute the pipeline logic based on the events originating in the source control system. When a developer commits code in their repository events are fired that can be configured to trigger processes in other systems.

In this step you will configure GitHub to call Google Cloud Build and execute your pipeline, whenever users commit or tag code in their repository.

Enable Secure Access

You will need 2 elements to configure secure access to your application pipeline. An API key and a secret unique to the pipeline.


The API key is used to identify the client that is calling into a given API. In this case the client will be GitHub. A best practice not covered here is to lock down the scope of the API key to only the specific APIs that client will be accessing. You created the key in a previous step.

  1. You can review the key by clicking on this link
  2. You can ensure the value is set by running the following command


Pipeline Secret

The secrets are used to authorize a caller and ensure they have rights to the specific cloud build target job. You may have 2 different repositories in GitHub that should only have access to their own pipelines. While the API_KEY limits which APIs can be utilized by github (in this case the Cloud Build API is being called), the secret limits which Job in the Cloud Build API can be executed by the client.

  1. Define the secret name, location and value



SECRET_VALUE=$(sed "s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g" <<< $(openssl rand -base64 15))

  1. Create the secret

printf ${SECRET_VALUE} | gcloud secrets create ${SECRET_NAME} --data-file=-

  1. Allow Cloud Build to read the secret

gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding ${SECRET_NAME} \

--member=serviceAccount:service-${PROJECT_NUMBER} \


Create Cloud Build Trigger

The Cloud Build Trigger is the configuration that will actually be executing the CICD processes.

The job requires a few key values to be provided on creation in order to properly configure the trigger.

  1. Define the name of the trigger and where the configuration file can be found

export TRIGGER_NAME=${APP_NAME}-clouddeploy-webhook-trigger

export BUILD_YAML_PATH=$WORK_DIR/app-templates/golang/build/cloudbuild-cd.yaml

  1. Define the location of the shared base configuration repo.

export KUSTOMIZE_REPO=${GIT_BASE_URL}/mcd-shared_kustomize

  1. A variable was set in the script defining the project's container registry. Review the value with the command below.


  1. Create CloudBuild Webhook Trigger using the variables created previously. The application repo location is pulled from the body of the request from GitHub. A value below references the path in the request body where it's locatedgcloud alpha builds triggers create webhook \
     `--name=${TRIGGER_NAME} \`

     `--substitutions='_APP_NAME='${APP_NAME}',_APP_REPO=$(body.repository.git_url),_CONFIG_REPO='${GIT_BASE_URL}'/'${CLUSTER_CONFIG_REPO}',_DEFAULT_IMAGE_REPO='${IMAGE_REPO}',_KUSTOMIZE_REPO='${GIT_BASE_URL}'/'${SHARED_KUSTOMIZE_REPO}',_REF=$(body.ref)' \`

     `--inline-config=$BUILD_YAML_PATH \`

  2. Review the newly created Cloud Build trigger in the Console by visiting this link
  3. Define a variable for the endpoint URL, that will be used by GitHub in the next step


Configure GitHub Webhook

  1. Configure the webhook in GitHub

$BASE_DIR/scripts/git/ create_webhook ${APP_NAME} $WEBHOOK_URL

  1. Go to the application repo and review the newly configured webhook


echo $REPO_URL

Now that you've manually performed all the steps needed to create a new application it's time to automate it in a script.

6. Automating all the onboarding steps

In practice it's not feasible to execute each of the above steps for every new application. Instead the logic should be incorporated into a script for easy execution. The steps above have already been included in a script for your use.

In this step you will use the script provided to create a new application

Create a new application

  1. Ensure you're in the right directory


  1. Create a new application

export APP_NAME=demo-app

./ create ${APP_NAME}

All of the steps are executed automatically.

Review the GitHub Repo

At this point you will be able to review the new repository in Github

  1. Retrieve the GitHub repository URL by executing the following command

echo ${GIT_BASE_URL}/demo-app

  1. Open the URL with your web browser to review the new application
  2. Note examples where the template variables have been replace with instance values as shown in the url below

echo ${GIT_BASE_URL}/demo-app/blob/main/k8s/prod/deployment.yaml#L24

  1. Review the web hook configured at the url below

echo ${GIT_BASE_URL}/demo-app/settings/hooks

Review the CloudBuild Trigger

The trigger was automatically set up by the script

  1. Review the Cloud Build trigger in the Console by visiting this link
  2. Review the build history on this page