Connecting to Fully Managed Databases from Cloud Run

Connecting to Fully Managed Databases from Cloud Run

About this codelab

subjectLast updated May 17, 2023
account_circleWritten by Ameenah Burhan

1. Overview

In this lab, you will integrate serverless databases(Spanner and Firestore) with applications(Go and Node.js) running in Cloud Run. The Cymbal Eats application includes multiple services which run on Cloud Run. In the following steps, you will configure services to use the Cloud Spanner relational database and Cloud Firestore, a NoSQL document database. Utilizing serverless products for the data tier and the application runtime allows you to abstract away all infrastructure management, focusing on building your application instead of worrying about overhead.

2. What you will learn

In this lab, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Integrate Spanner
  • Enable Spanner Managed Services
  • Integrate into code
  • Deploy code connecting to Spanner
  • Integrate Firestore
  • Enable Firestore Managed Services
  • Integrate into code
  • Deploy code connecting to Firestore

3. Setup and Requirements

Self-paced environment setup

  1. Sign-in to the Google Cloud Console and create a new project or reuse an existing one. If you don't already have a Gmail or Google Workspace account, you must create one.




  • The Project name is the display name for this project's participants. It is a character string not used by Google APIs. You can always update it.
  • The Project ID is unique across all Google Cloud projects and is immutable (cannot be changed after it has been set). The Cloud Console auto-generates a unique string; usually you don't care what it is. In most codelabs, you'll need to reference your Project ID (typically identified as PROJECT_ID). If you don't like the generated ID, you might generate another random one. Alternatively, you can try your own, and see if it's available. It can't be changed after this step and remains for the duration of the project.
  • For your information, there is a third value, a Project Number, which some APIs use. Learn more about all three of these values in the documentation.
  1. Next, you'll need to enable billing in the Cloud Console to use Cloud resources/APIs. Running through this codelab won't cost much, if anything at all. To shut down resources to avoid incurring billing beyond this tutorial, you can delete the resources you created or delete the project. New Google Cloud users are eligible for the $300 USD Free Trial program.

Setup Environment

  1. Create a project ID variable
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format='value(projectNumber)')
export SPANNER_INSTANCE=inventory-instance
export SPANNER_DB=inventory-db
export REGION=us-east1
  1. Enable Spanner, Cloud Run, Cloud Build, and Artifact Registry APIs
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Navigate into the directory
cd cymbal-eats/inventory-service/spanner

4. Create and Configure a Spanner instance

Spanner is the inventory services backend relational database. You will create a Spanner instance, database, and schema in the following steps.

Create an instance

  1. Create a Cloud Spanner instance
gcloud spanner instances create $SPANNER_INSTANCE --config=regional-${REGION} \
--description="Cymbal Menu Inventory" --nodes=1

Example Output

Creating instance...done.   
  1. Verify if the Spanner instance is correctly configured
gcloud spanner instances list

Example output

NAME: inventory-instance
DISPLAY_NAME: Cymbal Menu Inventory
CONFIG: regional-us-east1

Create a database and schema

Create a new database and use Google standard SQL's data definition language (DDL) to create the database schema.

  1. Create a DDL file
echo "CREATE TABLE InventoryHistory (ItemRowID STRING (36) NOT NULL, ItemID INT64 NOT NULL, InventoryChange INT64, Timestamp TIMESTAMP) PRIMARY KEY(ItemRowID)" >> table.ddl
  1. Create the Spanner database
gcloud spanner databases create $SPANNER_DB \
--instance=$SPANNER_INSTANCE \

Example output

Creating database...done.

Verify Database state and schema

  1. View the state of the database
gcloud spanner databases describe $SPANNER_DB \

Example output

createTime: '2022-04-22T15:11:33.559300Z'
databaseDialect: GOOGLE_STANDARD_SQL
earliestVersionTime: '2022-04-22T15:11:33.559300Z'
name: projects/cymbal-eats-7-348013/instances/menu-inventory/databases/menu-inventory
state: READY
versionRetentionPeriod: 1h
  1. View the schema of the database
gcloud spanner databases ddl describe $SPANNER_DB \

Example output

CREATE TABLE InventoryHistory (
  InventoryChange INT64,
  TimeStamp TIMESTAMP,

5. Integrating Spanner

In this section, you will learn how to integrate Spanner into your application. In addition, SQL Spanner provides Client libraries, JDBC drivers, R2DBC drivers, REST APIs and RPC APIs, which allow you to integrate Spanner into any application.

In the next section, you will use the Go client library to install, authenticate and modify data in Spanner.

Installing the client library

The Cloud Spanner client library makes it easier to integrate with Cloud Spanner by automatically using Application Default Credentials (ADC) to find your service account credentials

Set up authentication

The Google Cloud CLI and Google Cloud client libraries automatically detect when they are running on Google Cloud and use the runtime service account of the current Cloud Run revision. This strategy is called Application Default Credentials and enables code portability across multiple environments.

However, it's best to create a dedicated identity by assigning it a user-managed service account instead of the default service account.

  1. Grant the Spanner Database Admin role to the service account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
--member="serviceAccount:$" \

Example output

Updated IAM policy for project [cymbal-eats-6422-3462].

Using client libraries

The Spanner client libraries abstract the complexities of integrating with Spanner and are available in many popular programming languages.

Create a Spanner client

The Spanner client is a client for reading and writing data to a Cloud Spanner database. A client is safe to use concurrently, except for its Close method.

The snippet below creates a spanner client


var dataClient *spanner.Client
dataClient, err = spanner.NewClient(ctx, databaseName)

You can think of a Client as a database connection: all your interactions with Cloud Spanner must go through a Client. Typically you create a Client when your application starts up, and then you re-use that client to read, write, and execute transactions. Each client uses resources in Cloud Spanner.

Modify data

There are multiple ways to insert, update and delete data from a Spanner database. Listed below are the available methods.

In this lab, you will use mutations to modify data in Spanner.

Mutations in Spanner

A Mutation is a container for mutation operations. A Mutation represents a sequence of inserts, updates, and deletes that Cloud Spanner applies atomically to different rows and tables in a Cloud Spanner database.


m := []*spanner.Mutation{}

m = append(m, spanner.Insert(
        []interface{}{uuid.New().String(), element.ItemID, element.InventoryChange, time.Now()}))

The snippet of code inserts a new row into the inventory history table.

Deploying and Testing

Now that Spanner is configured and you've reviewed the key code elements deploy the application to Cloud Run.

Deploy the application to Cloud Run

Cloud Run can automatically build, push and deploy your code with a single command. In the following command, you'll call the deploy command on the run service, passing in variables used by the running application such as SPANNER_CONNECTION_STRING that you created earlier.

  1. Click Open Terminal
  2. Deploy the inventory service to Cloud Run
gcloud run deploy inventory-service \
    --source . \
    --region $REGION \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --project=$PROJECT_ID \

Example output

Service [inventory-service] revision [inventory-service-00001-sug] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic.
Service URL:
  1. Store the service URL
INVENTORY_SERVICE_URL=$(gcloud run services describe inventory-service \
  --platform managed \
  --region $REGION \
  --format=json | jq \
  --raw-output ".status.url")

Test the Cloud Run application

Insert an item

  1. In cloudshell, enter the following command.
-i -X POST ${POST_URL} \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[
        "itemID": 1,
        "inventoryChange": 5

Example output

HTTP/2 200
access-control-allow-origin: *
content-type: application/json
x-cloud-trace-context: 10c32f0863d26521497dc26e86419f13;o=1
date: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 21:41:38 GMT
server: Google Frontend
content-length: 2


Query an item

  1. Query the inventory service
-i ${GET_URL}

Example response

HTTP/2 200
access-control-allow-origin: *
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
x-cloud-trace-context: b94f921e4c2ae90210472c88eb05ace8;o=1
date: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 21:45:50 GMT
server: Google Frontend
content-length: 166


6. Spanner Concepts

Cloud Spanner queries its databases using declarative SQL statements. SQL statements indicate what the user wants without describing how the results will be obtained.

  1. In the terminal, enter this command to query the table for the record previously created.
gcloud spanner databases execute-sql $SPANNER_DB \
--instance=$SPANNER_INSTANCE \
--sql='SELECT * FROM InventoryHistory WHERE ItemID=1'

Example output

ItemRowID: 1
ItemID: 1
InventoryChange: 3

Query execution plans

A query execution plan is a series of steps Spanner uses to obtain results. There may be several ways to acquire the results of a particular SQL statement. Query execution plans are accessible in the console and the client libraries. To see how Spanner handles SQL queries:

  1. In the console, open the Cloud Spanner instances page.
  2. Go to Cloud Spanner instances
  3. Click the name of the Cloud Spanner instance. From the databases section, select the database you want to query.
  4. Click Query.
  5. Enter the following query in the query editor
SELECT * FROM InventoryHistory WHERE ItemID=1
  1. Click RUN

The Cloud Console displays a visual execution plan for your query.


Query optimizer

The Cloud Spanner query optimizer compares alternative execution plans and selects the most efficient one. Over time, the query optimizer will evolve, broadening the choices in the query execution plan and improving the accuracy of the estimates that inform those choices, leading to more efficient query execution plans.

Cloud Spanner rolls out optimizer updates as new query optimizer versions. By default, each database starts using the latest version of the optimizer no sooner than 30 days after that version has been released.

To see the version used when running a query in gcloud spanner, set the –query-mode flag to PROFILE

  1. Enter the following command to view the optimizer version
gcloud spanner databases execute-sql $SPANNER_DB --instance=$SPANNER_INSTANCE \
--query-mode=PROFILE --sql='SELECT * FROM InventoryHistory'

Example output

CPU_TIME: 5.17 msecs
 RELATIONAL Distributed Union
 (1 execution, 0.11 msecs total latency)
 subquery_cluster_node: 1
    +- RELATIONAL Distributed Union
    |  (1 execution, 0.09 msecs total latency)
    |  call_type: Local, subquery_cluster_node: 2
    |   |
    |   \- RELATIONAL Serialize Result
    |      (1 execution, 0.08 msecs total latency)
    |       |
    |       +- RELATIONAL Scan
    |       |  (1 execution, 0.08 msecs total latency)
    |       |  Full scan: true, scan_target: InventoryHistory, scan_type: TableScan
    |       |   |
    |       |   +- SCALAR Reference
    |       |   |  ItemRowID
    |       |   |
    |       |   +- SCALAR Reference
    |       |   |  ItemID
    |       |   |
    |       |   +- SCALAR Reference
    |       |   |  InventoryChange
    |       |   |
    |       |   \- SCALAR Reference
    |       |      Timestamp
    |       |
    |       +- SCALAR Reference
    |       |  $ItemRowID
    |       |
    |       +- SCALAR Reference
    |       |  $ItemID
    |       |
    |       +- SCALAR Reference
    |       |  $InventoryChange
    |       |
    |       \- SCALAR Reference
    |          $Timestamp
    \- SCALAR Constant

ItemRowID: 1
ItemID: 1
InventoryChange: 3

Update the optimizer version

The newest version at the time of this lab is version 4. Next, you will update the Spanner Table to use version 4 for the query optimizer.

  1. Update the optimizer
gcloud spanner databases ddl update $SPANNER_DB \
--instance=$SPANNER_INSTANCE \
--ddl='ALTER DATABASE InventoryHistory
SET OPTIONS (optimizer_version = 4)'

Example output

Schema updating...done. 
  1. Enter the following command to view the optimizer version update
gcloud spanner databases execute-sql $SPANNER_DB --instance=$SPANNER_INSTANCE \
--query-mode=PROFILE --sql='SELECT * FROM InventoryHistory'

Example output

CPU_TIME: 8.54 msecs

Visualize query optimizer version in Metrics Explorer

You can use Metrics Explorer in Cloud Console to visualize the Count of queries for your database instance. You can see which optimizer version is being used in each database.

  1. Navigate to the Monitoring in the Cloud Console and select Metrics Explorer in the left menu.
  2. In the Resource type field, select Cloud Spanner Instance.
  3. In the Metric field, select Count of queries and Apply.
  4. In the Group By field, select database, optimizer_version, and status.


7. Create and Configure a Firestore Database

Firestore is a NoSQL document database built for automatic scaling, high performance, and ease of application development. While the Firestore interface has many of the same features as traditional databases, a NoSQL database differs from them in describing relationships between data objects.

The following task will guide you through creating an ordering service Cloud Run application backed by Firestore. The ordering service will call the inventory service created in the previous section to query the Spanner database before starting the order. This service will ensure sufficient inventory exists and the order can be filled.


8. Firestore Concepts

Data model

A Firestore database is made up of collections and documents.



Each document contains a set of key-value pairs. Firestore is optimized for storing large collections of small documents.



You must store all documents in collections. Documents can contain subcollections and nested objects, including primitive fields like strings or complex objects like lists.


Create a Firestore database

  1. Create the Firestore database
gcloud firestore databases create --location=$REGION

Example output

Success! Selected Google Cloud Firestore Native database for cymbal-eats-6422-3462

9. Integrating Firestore into your application

In this section, you will update the service account, add Firestore access service accounts, review and deploy the Firestore security rules and review how data is modified in Firestore.

Set up authentication

  1. Grant the Datastore user role to the service account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
  --member="serviceAccount:$" \

Example output

Updated IAM policy for project [cymbal-eats-6422-3462].

Firestore Security Rules

Security rules provide access control and data validation expressive yet straightforward format.

  1. Navigate to the order-service/starter-code directory
cd ~/cymbal-eats/order-service
  1. Open the firestore.rules file in cloud editor
cat firestore.rules


rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents { ⇐ All database
    match /{document=**} { ⇐ All documents
      allow read: if true; ⇐ Allow reads
    match /{document=**} {
      allow write: if false; ⇐ Deny writes

Warning: It is best practice to limit access to Firestore storage. For the purpose of this lab, all reads are allowed. This is not an advised production configuration.

Enable Firestore Managed Services

  1. Click Open Terminal
  2. Create .firebaserc file with the current Project ID. The settings for deploy targets are stored in the .firebaserc file in your project directory.


sed "s/PROJECT_ID/$PROJECT_ID/g" firebaserc.tmpl > .firebaserc
  1. Download firebase binary
curl -sL | upgrade=true bash

Example output

-- Checking for existing firebase-tools on PATH...
Your machine already has firebase-tools@10.7.0 installed. Nothing to do.
-- All done!
  1. Deploy Firestore rules.
firebase deploy 

Example Output

=== Deploying to 'cymbal-eats-6422-3462'...

i  deploying firestore
i  cloud.firestore: checking firestore.rules for compilation errors...
✔  cloud.firestore: rules file firestore.rules compiled successfully
i  firestore: uploading rules firestore.rules...
✔  firestore: released rules firestore.rules to cloud.firestore

✔  Deploy complete!

Project Console:

Modify data

Collections and documents are created implicitly in Firestore. Simply assign data to a document within a collection. If either the collection or document does not exist, Firestore creates it.

Add data to firestore

There are several ways to write data to Cloud Firestore:

  • Set the data of a document within a collection, explicitly specifying a document identifier.
  • Add a new document to a collection. In this case, Cloud Firestore automatically generates the document identifier.
  • Create an empty document with an automatically generated identifier, and assign data to it later.

The next section will guide you through creating a document using the set method.

Set a document

Use the set()method to create a document. With the set() method, you must specify an ID for the document to create.

Take a look at the code snippet below.


const orderDoc = db.doc(`orders/123`);
await orderDoc.set({
    orderNumber: 123,
    name: Anne,
    address: 555 Bright Street,
    city: Mountain View,
    state: CA,
    zip: 94043,
    orderItems: [id: 1],
    status: 'New'

This code will create a document specifying a user-generated document id 123. To have Firestore generate an ID on your behalf, use the add() or create()method.

Update a documents

The update method update()allows you to update some document fields without overwriting the entire document.

In the snippet below, the code updates order 123


const orderDoc = db.doc(`orders/123`);
await orderDoc.update(name: "Anna");

Delete a documents

In Firestore, you can delete collections, documents or specific fields from a document. To delete a document, use the delete() method.

The snippet below deletes order 123.


const orderDoc = db.doc(`orders/123`);
await orderDoc.delete();

10. Deploying and Testing

In this section, you will deploy the application to Cloud Run and test the create, update and delete methods.

Deploy the application to Cloud Run

  1. Store the URL in the variable INVENTORY_SERVICE_URL to integrate with Inventory Service
INVENTORY_SERVICE_URL=$(gcloud run services describe inventory-service \
 --region=$REGION \
 --format=json | jq \
 --raw-output ".status.url")
  1. Deploy the order service
gcloud run deploy order-service \
  --source . \
  --platform managed \
  --region $REGION \
  --allow-unauthenticated \
  --project=$PROJECT_ID \

Example output

Service [order-service] revision [order-service-00001-qot] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic.
Service URL:

Test the Cloud Run application

Create a document

  1. Store the order service application's URL into a variable for testing
ORDER_SERVICE_URL=$(gcloud run services describe order-service \
  --platform managed \
  --region $REGION \
  --format=json | jq \
  --raw-output ".status.url")
  1. Build an order request and post a new order to the Firestore database
curl --request POST $ORDER_SERVICE_URL/order \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "Jane Doe",
         "email": "",
    "address": "123 Maple",
    "city": "Buffalo",
    "state": "NY",
    "zip": "12346",
    "orderItems": [
            "id": 1

Example output


Save the Order Number for later use

export ORDER_NUMBER=<value_from_output>

View results

View the results in Firestore

  1. Navigate to the Firestore console
  2. Click on Data


Update a document

The order submitted didn't include the quantity.

  1. Update the record and add a quantity key-value pair
curl --location -g --request PATCH $ORDER_SERVICE_URL/order/${ORDER_NUMBER} \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
            "id": 1,
            "quantity": 1  

Example output


View results

View the results in Firestore

  1. Navigate to the Firestore console
  2. Click on Data


Delete a document

  1. Delete item 46429 from the Firestore orders collection
curl --location -g --request DELETE $ORDER_SERVICE_URL/order/${ORDER_NUMBER}

View results

  1. Navigate to the Firestore console
  2. Click on Data


11. Congratulations!

Congratulations, you finished the lab!

What's next:

Explore other Cymbal Eats codelabs:

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, either delete the project that contains the resources, or keep the project and delete the individual resources.

Deleting the project

The easiest way to eliminate billing is to delete the project that you created for the tutorial.