About this codelab
1. Introduction
Last Updated: 2021-05-06
Thinking about the connection
There are many types of applications and frameworks out there. In this codelab, we'll be covering connecting to Cloud SQL from an application that's being run on a managed virtual machine in Google Compute Engine via an internal private IP address using the Cloud SQL Proxy. This is an incredibly secure way to run a stateful application in the Cloud. You're minimizing your exposure to the internet by restricting to only using a private IP, and using the SQL Proxy which handles SSL connectivity for you.
One common use-case for this would be, for instance, an on-premise application that has been shifted to run in the Cloud instead of locally.
What you'll build
This codelab is very minimalistic. The idea is to walk you through the nuts and bolts of the connection piece, without thinking too heavily about the application itself. In a perfect world, connecting to Cloud SQL is just like connecting to any other instance of a SQL database so you should be able to take what you create in this codelab, and apply it to any production application.
The instructions will include both a walk-through of doing things in the GCP console, as well as including the gcloud command equivalents for using on the CLI or automation.
The individual steps are:
- Create a minimal Service Account to enable connection to the Cloud SQL instance
- Create a VM on Google Compute Engine (GCE)
- Create a Cloud SQL instance (this tutorial uses Postgres, but works similarly for MySQL or SQL Server)
- Download and run the Cloud SQL Proxy on the GCE instance
What you'll need
- A GCP account you have permissions to enable APIs and create services on
2. Create a service account
Service accounts are used to grant permissions to use different services within your GCP project. For this codelab, we need one in order to grant the Cloud SQL Proxy permission to connect to our Cloud SQL instance.
On the Console
Go to the IAM service accounts page and click the button at the top of the page.
Give your service account a unique name and ID and click CREATE.
On the next page, click the drop-down for Select a role. Filter for "Cloud SQL" and select the Cloud SQL Client role. Click CONTINUE.
Click DONE.
Using gcloud
Create the service account:
gcloud iam service-accounts create <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME> --display-name "<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME> service account"
This creates the service account, but it's currently without any roles/permissions assigned to it. To assign the appropriate role, run:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <GCP PROJECT ID> --member serviceAccount:<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME>@<GCP PROJECT ID>.iam.gserviceaccount.com --role roles/cloudsql.client
E.g. If your service account is named sa-test
when you created it, and your project is my-project-test
then the command would be:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding my-project-test --member serviceAccount:sa-test@my-project-test.iam.gserviceaccount.com --role roles/cloudsql.client
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create service-account.json --iam-account <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME>@<GCP PROJECT ID>.iam.gserviceaccount.com
3. Creating the Compute Engine VM
Google Compute Engine is the managed service where the virtual machine will run which would hold our application we want to connect from. In this codelab, we're not building an application, but we'll confirm connectivity by running psql.
On the Console
Go to the Google Compute Engine page and click the button.
There are many options here, the only things you need to do are:
- Give your instance a name
- Change the
Machine type
- Under Identity and API access, change the dropdown for
Service account
fromDefault compute service account
to the one you created in the earlier step. - Click Create all the way at the bottom of the page
Using gcloud
The service account is the full name of the service account you created earlier, so it'll be in the format: <NAME>@<PROJECT>.iam.gserviceaccount.com
gcloud compute instances create <INSTANCE NAME> --machine-type=f1-micro --zone=us-central1-b --service-account=<SERVICE ACCOUNT FULL NAME>
gcloud compute zones list
4. Creating the Cloud SQL instance
Cloud SQL is our managed relational databases offering. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server. For this codelab, we'll create a Postgres database, but the instructions are similar for all three.
On the Console
Go to the Cloud SQL page, and click on the button.
As I mentioned, most of this codelab is generic to any SQL flavor, but for this codelab, choose PostgreSQL.
- Give your instance an ID
- Enter a password for the default user (username will be the default for the selected DB, e.g.
for MySQL orpostgres
for PostgreSQL) - If you changed the region of your compute instance, you should also change the region here to match.
- Scroll down and click the
show configuration options
- Expand the
section - Uncheck the option for
Public IP
and check thePrivate IP
checkbox - Be sure
is selected in the dropdown that shows up when Private IP was checked - Scroll down and click Create
The instance takes a couple minutes to start usually.
Using gcloud
Since we don't have any nice prompts to enable APIs from here, we'll need to do it manually
gcloud services enable servicenetworking.googleapis.com
Next, we need to enable private service connectivity on our default VPC network. First step to doing that is to allocate a named range of IP addresses to use for our instance.
gcloud compute addresses create sql-codelab-allocation --global --purpose=VPC_PEERING --prefix-length=24 --network=default
Next up is assigning that range of IPs to our internal services (this takes about a minute).
gcloud services vpc-peerings update --service=servicenetworking.googleapis.com --network=default --project=<PROJECT ID> --ranges=sql-codelab-allocation --force
And finally, creating the instance itself is only available currently with the beta version. The combination of --no-assign-ip
and --network=default
is what enables private IP connectivity. At this time, there's no way to enable both Private IP and Public IP at the same time, so if you need public access, then you'll need to edit the instance post-creation. This takes a few minutes to complete.
gcloud beta sql instances create test-sql-codelab-00 --no-assign-ip --database-version=POSTGRES_11 --tier=db-f1-micro --region=us-central1 --network=default --root-password=<PASSWORD>
5. Setup and run the Cloud SQL Proxy
Once we're connected to the VM, we're going to need an instance connection string. First we'll grab that, then we'll connect to the VM itself via SSH. Instructions for these pieces will be in their respective sections for Console vs. gcloud, and then the rest will be commands run from the shell on the VM in its own section.
On the Console
Go here and click the name of your Cloud SQL instance.
Scroll down a little, and copy the Connection name
somewhere for use later.
Go to the Google Compute Engine instances list page, and find the row with your VM.
In the Connect
column, click the SSH
button and it will open a separate window that securely connects to the virtual machine.
Jump past the Using gcloud
section for the rest of the instructions as it's the same for both.
Using gcloud
with the name of your Cloud SQL instance:
gcloud sql instances describe <INSTANCE NAME> | grep connectionName
Save the instance connection name for use later.
You'll need to replace the <ZONE>
with the zone that was used back when you created the instance. If you didn't change it, then it was set to us-central1-b
. And also replace the <INSTANCE_NAME> with whatever you specified previously.
gcloud compute ssh --zone <ZONE> <INSTANCE_NAME>
Once connected to VM
First up, we need to download the proxy. Depends on your operating system. If you didn't change the OS in the VM creation, then it'll be Linux and you can use:
wget https://dl.google.com/cloudsql/cloud_sql_proxy.linux.amd64 -O cloud_sql_proxy && chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy
If you've switched the operating system, you can go here for the right command to get the proxy for your OS.
To run the proxy, grab the instance connection name you copied from the Cloud SQL instance details to replace <INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>
. Also note, the tcp port number may change if you aren't using a Postgres db, or if you've changed the default port the db is listening on.
./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=<INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>=tcp:5432 &
6. Test the connection and wrapping up
As mentioned previously, if you have an application you want to stand up in the GCE instance to test, that's fine too of course. For this codelab, we'll install psql and use that client to verify that we can connect to our database.
From the SSH session on the VM:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-client
psql "host= port=5432 sslmode=disable user=postgres"
Then specify the default user's password you set up when creating the Cloud SQL instance.
Congratulations! If all has gone well, you should have the Postgres prompt and can run commands against your database.
What's next?
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