Exploratory data analysis of Iowa liquor sales using the BigQuery DataFrames package

1. Overview

In this lab, you will use BigQuery DataFrames from a Python notebook in BigQuery Studio to clean and analyze the Iowa liquor sales public dataset. Make use of BigQuery ML and remote function capabilities to discover insights.

You will create a Python notebook to compare sales across geographic areas. This can be adapted to work on any structured data.


In this lab, you learn how to perform the following tasks:

  • Activate and use Python notebooks in BigQuery Studio
  • Connect to BigQuery using the BigQuery DataFrames package
  • Create a linear regression using BigQuery ML
  • Perform complex aggregations and joins using a familiar pandas-like syntax

2. Requirements

  • A browser, such as Chrome or Firefox
  • A Google Cloud project with billing enabled

Before you begin

To follow the instructions in this codelab, you'll need a Google Cloud Project with BigQuery Studio enabled and a connected billing account.

  1. In the Google Cloud Console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project
  2. Ensure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project. Learn how to check if billing is enabled on a project
  3. Follow the instructions to Enable BigQuery Studio for asset management.

Prepare BigQuery Studio

Create an empty notebook and connect it to a runtime.

  1. Go to BigQuery Studio in the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Click the next to the + button.
  3. Select Python notebook.
  4. Close the template selector.
  5. Select + Code to create a new code cell.
  6. Install the latest version of the BigQuery DataFrames package from the code cell.Type the following command.
    %pip install --upgrade bigframes --quiet
    Click the Run cell button or press Shift + Enter to run the code cell.

3. Read a public dataset

Initialize the BigQuery DataFrames package by running the following in a new code cell:

import bigframes.pandas as bpd

bpd.options.bigquery.ordering_mode = "partial"
bpd.options.display.repr_mode = "deferred"

Note: in this tutorial, we use the experimental "partial ordering mode", which allows for more efficient queries when used with pandas-like filtering. Some pandas features that require a strict ordering or index may not work.

Check your bigframes package version with


This tutorial requires version 1.27.0 or later.

Iowa liquor retail sales

The Iowa liquor retail sales dataset is provided on BigQuery through Google Cloud's public dataset program. This dataset contains every wholesale purchase of liquor in the State of Iowa by retailers for sale to individuals since January 1, 2012. Data are collected by the Alcoholic Beverages Division within the Iowa Department of Commerce.

In BigQuery, query the bigquery-public-data.iowa_liquor_sales.sales to analyze the Iowa liquor retail sales. Use the bigframes.pandas.read_gbq() method to create a DataFrame from a query string or table ID.

Run the following in a new code cell to create a DataFrame named "df":

df = bpd.read_gbq_table("bigquery-public-data.iowa_liquor_sales.sales")

Discover basic information about a DataFrame

Use the DataFrame.peek() method to download a small sample of the data.

Run this cell:


Expected output:

index	invoice_and_item_number	date	store_number	store_name	...
0	RINV-04620300080	2023-04-28	10197	SUNSHINE FOODS / HAWARDEN	
1	RINV-04864800097	2023-09-25	2621	HY-VEE FOOD STORE #3 / SIOUX CITY	
2	RINV-05057200028	2023-12-28	4255	FAREWAY STORES #058 / ORANGE CITY	
3	...				

Note: head() requires ordering and is generally less efficient than peek() if you want to visualize a sample of data.

Just as with pandas, use the DataFrame.dtypes property to see all available columns and their corresponding data types. These are exposed in a pandas-compatible way.

Run this cell:


Expected output:

invoice_and_item_number	string[pyarrow]
date	date32[day][pyarrow]
store_number	string[pyarrow]
store_name	string[pyarrow]
address	string[pyarrow]
city	string[pyarrow]
zip_code	string[pyarrow]
store_location	geometry
county_number	string[pyarrow]
county	string[pyarrow]
category	string[pyarrow]
category_name	string[pyarrow]
vendor_number	string[pyarrow]
vendor_name	string[pyarrow]
item_number	string[pyarrow]
item_description	string[pyarrow]
pack	Int64
bottle_volume_ml	Int64
state_bottle_cost	Float64
state_bottle_retail	Float64
bottles_sold	Int64
sale_dollars	Float64
volume_sold_liters	Float64
volume_sold_gallons	Float64

dtype: object

The DataFrame.describe() method queries some basic statistics from the DataFrame. Run DataFrame.to_pandas() to download these summary statistics as a pandas DataFrame.

Run this cell:


Expected output:

	invoice_and_item_number	date	store_number	store_name	...
nunique	30305765	<NA>	3158	3353	...
std	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	...
mean	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	...
75%	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	...
25%	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	...
count	30305765	<NA>	30305765	30305765	...
min	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	...
50%	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	...
max	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	<NA>	...
9 rows × 24 columns

4. Visualize and clean the data

The Iowa liquor retail sales dataset provides fine-grained geographic information, including where the retail stores are located. Use these data to identify trends and differences across geographic areas.

Visualize sales per zip code

There are several built-in visualization methods such as DataFrame.plot.hist(). Use this method to compare liquor sales by ZIP code.

volume_by_zip = df.groupby("zip_code").agg({"volume_sold_liters": "sum"})

Expected output:

Histogram of volumes

Use a bar chart to see which zip colds sold the most alcohol.

  .sort_values("volume_sold_liters", ascending=False)

Expected output:

Bar chart of volumes of alcohol in the top selling zip codes

Clean the data

Some ZIP codes have a trailing .0. Possibly somewhere in the data collection the ZIP codes were accidentally converted into floating point values. Use regular expressions to clean up the ZIP codes and repeat the analysis.

df = (
        zip_code=lambda _: _["zip_code"].str.replace(".0", "")
volume_by_zip = df.groupby("zip_code").agg({"volume_sold_liters": "sum"})
  .sort_values("volume_sold_liters", ascending=False)

Expected output:

Bar chart of volumes of alcohol in the top selling zip codes

5. Discover correlations in sales

Why do some zip codes sell more than others? One hypothesis is that it's due to population size differences. A zip code with more population will likely sell more liquor.

Test this hypothesis by calculating the correlation between population and liquor sales volume.

Join with other datasets

Join with a population dataset such as the US Census Bureau's American Community Survey ZIP code tabulation area survey.

census_acs = bpd.read_gbq_table("bigquery-public-data.census_bureau_acs.zcta_2020_5yr")

The American Community Survey identifies states by GEOID. In the case of ZIP code tabulation areas, the GEOID equals the ZIP code.

volume_by_pop = volume_by_zip.join(

Create a scatter plot to compare ZIP code tabulation area populations with liters of alcohol sold.

    volume_by_pop[["volume_sold_liters", "total_pop"]]
    .plot.scatter(x="total_pop", y="volume_sold_liters")

Expected output:

Scatter plot of zip code tabulation areas by the population and liters of liquor sold

Calculate correlations

The trend looks roughly linear. Fit a linear regression model to this to check how well population can predict liquor sales.

from bigframes.ml.linear_model import LinearRegression

feature_columns = volume_by_pop[["total_pop"]]
label_columns = volume_by_pop[["volume_sold_liters"]]

# Create the linear model
model = LinearRegression()
model.fit(feature_columns, label_columns)

Check how good the fit is by using the score method.

model.score(feature_columns, label_columns).to_pandas()

Sample output:

	mean_absolute_error	mean_squared_error	mean_squared_log_error	median_absolute_error	r2_score	explained_variance
0	245065.664095	224398167097.364288	5.595021	178196.31289	0.380096	0.380096

Draw the best fit line but calling the predict function on a range of population values.

import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

line = pd.Series(np.arange(0, 50_000), name="total_pop")
predictions = model.predict(line).to_pandas()

zips = volume_by_pop[["volume_sold_liters", "total_pop"]].to_pandas()
pyplot.scatter(zips["total_pop"], zips["volume_sold_liters"])

Expected output:

Scatter plot with a best fit line

Addressing heteroscedasticity

The data in the previous chart appears to be heteroscedastic. The variance around the best fit line grows with the population.

Perhaps the amount of alcohol purchased per person is relatively constant.

volume_per_pop = (
    volume_by_pop[volume_by_pop['total_pop'] > 0]
    .assign(liters_per_pop=lambda df: df["volume_sold_liters"] / df["total_pop"])

    volume_per_pop[["liters_per_pop", "total_pop"]]
    .plot.scatter(x="total_pop", y="liters_per_pop")

Expected output:

Scatter plot of liters per population

Calculate the average liters of alcohol purchased in two different ways:

  1. What is the average amount of alcohol purchased per person in Iowa?
  2. What is the average over all zip codes of the amount of alcohol purchased per person.

In (1), it reflects how much alcohol is purchased in the whole state. In (2), it reflects the average zip code, which won't necessarily be the same as (1) because different zip codes have different populations.

df = (
        zip_code=lambda _: _["zip_code"].str.replace(".0", "")
census_state = bpd.read_gbq(

volume_per_pop_statewide = (
    / census_state["total_pop"].loc['19']

Expected output: 87.997

average_per_zip = volume_per_pop["liters_per_pop"].mean()

Expected output: 67.139

Plot these averages, similar to above.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot

line = pd.Series(np.arange(0, 50_000), name="total_pop")

zips = volume_per_pop[["liters_per_pop", "total_pop"]].to_pandas()
pyplot.scatter(zips["total_pop"], zips["liters_per_pop"])
pyplot.plot(line, np.full(line.shape, volume_per_pop_statewide), marker=None, color="magenta")
pyplot.plot(line, np.full(line.shape, average_per_zip), marker=None, color="red")

Expected output:

Scatter plot of liters per population

There are still some zip codes that are quite large outliers, especially in areas with less population. It is left as an exercise to hypothesize why this is. For example, it could be that some zip codes are low population but high consumption because they contain the only liquor store in the area. If so, calculating based the population of surrounding zip codes may even these outliers out.

6. Comparing types of liquor sold

In addition to geographic data, the Iowa liquor retail sales database also contains detailed information about the item sold. Perhaps by analyzing these, we can reveal differences in tastes across geographic areas.

Explore categories

Items are categorized in the database. How many categories are there?

import bigframes.pandas as bpd

bpd.options.bigquery.ordering_mode = "partial"
bpd.options.display.repr_mode = "deferred"

df = bpd.read_gbq_table("bigquery-public-data.iowa_liquor_sales.sales")

Expected output: 103

Which are the most popular categories by volume?

counts = (
    .agg({"volume_sold_liters": "sum"})
    .sort_values(["volume_sold_liters"], ascending=False)

Bar chart of top categories of liquor sold

Working with the ARRAY data type

There are several categories each of whiskey, rum, vodka, and more. I'd like to group these together somehow.

Start by splitting the category names into separate words by using the Series.str.split() method. Unnest the array this creates by using the explode() method.

category_parts = df.category_name.str.split(" ").explode()
counts = (

Words by count from categories


Expected output: 113

Looking at the chart above, the data still have VODKA separate from VODKAS. More grouping is needed to collapse categories into a smaller set.

7. Using NLTK with BigQuery DataFrames

With only about 100 categories, it would be feasible to write some heuristics or even manually create a mapping from category to the wider liquor type. Alternatively, one could use a large language model such as Gemini to create such a mapping. Try the codelab Get insights from unstructured data using BigQuery DataFrames to use BigQuery DataFrames with Gemini.

Instead, use a more traditional natural language processing package, NLTK, to process these data. Technology called a "stemmer" can merge plural and singular nouns into the same value, for example.

Using NLTK to stem words

The NLTK package provides natural language processing methods that are accessible from Python. Install the package to try it out.

%pip install nltk

Next, import the package. Inspect the version. It will be used later on in the tutorial.

import nltk


One way of standardizing words to "stem" the word. This removes any suffixes, as a trailing "s" for plurals.

def stem(word: str) -> str:
    # https://www.nltk.org/howto/stem.html
    import nltk.stem.snowball

    # Avoid failure if a NULL is passed in.
    if not word:
        return word

    stemmer = nltk.stem.snowball.SnowballStemmer("english")
    return stemmer.stem(word)

Try this out on a few words.


Expected output: whiskey


Expected output: whiski

Unfortunately, this didn't map whiskies to the same as whiskey. Stemmers don't work well with irregular plurals. Try a lemmatizer, which uses more sophisticated techniques to identify the base word, called a "lemma".

def lemmatize(word: str) -> str:
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/18400977/101923
    # https://www.nltk.org/api/nltk.stem.wordnet.html#module-nltk.stem.wordnet
    import nltk
    import nltk.stem.wordnet

    # Avoid failure if a NULL is passed in.
    if not word:
        return word

    wnl = nltk.stem.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()
    return wnl.lemmatize(word.lower())

Try this out on a few words.


Expected output: whisky


Expected output: whisky


Expected output: whiskey

Unfortunately, this lemmatizer doesn't map "whiskey" to the same lemma as "whiskies". Since this word is particularly important for the Iowa retail liquor sales database, manually map it to the American spelling by using a dictionary.

def lemmatize(word: str) -> str:
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/18400977/101923
    # https://www.nltk.org/api/nltk.stem.wordnet.html#module-nltk.stem.wordnet
    import nltk
    import nltk.stem.wordnet

    # Avoid failure if a NULL is passed in.
    if not word:
        return word

    wnl = nltk.stem.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()
    lemma = wnl.lemmatize(word.lower())

    table = {
        "whisky": "whiskey",  # Use the American spelling.
    return table.get(lemma, lemma)

Try this out on a few words.


Expected output: whiskey


Expected output: whiskey

Congrats! This lemmatizer should work well for narrowing the categories. To use it with BigQuery, you must deploy it to the cloud.

Setup your project for function deployment

Before you deploy this to the cloud so that BigQuery can access this function, you'll need to do some one time setup.

Create a new code cell and replace your-project-id with the Google Cloud project ID you're using for this tutorial.

project_id = "your-project-id"

Create a service account without any permissions, since this function doesn't need access to any cloud resources.

from google.cloud import iam_admin_v1
from google.cloud.iam_admin_v1 import types

iam_admin_client = iam_admin_v1.IAMClient()
request = types.CreateServiceAccountRequest()

account_id = "bigframes-no-permissions"
request.account_id = account_id
request.name = f"projects/{project_id}"

display_name = "bigframes remote function (no permissions)"
service_account = types.ServiceAccount()
service_account.display_name = display_name
request.service_account = service_account

account = iam_admin_client.create_service_account(request=request)

Expected output: bigframes-no-permissions@your-project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com

Create a BigQuery dataset to hold the function.

from google.cloud import bigquery

bqclient = bigquery.Client(project=project_id)
dataset = bigquery.Dataset(f"{project_id}.functions")
bqclient.create_dataset(dataset, exists_ok=True)

Deploying a remote function

Enable the Cloud Functions API if not yet already enabled.

!gcloud services enable cloudfunctions.googleapis.com

Now, deploy your function to the dataset you just created. Add a @bpd.remote_function decorator to the function you created in the previous steps.

    # TODO: Replace this with your version of nltk.
def lemmatize(word: str) -> str:
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/18400977/101923
    # https://www.nltk.org/api/nltk.stem.wordnet.html#module-nltk.stem.wordnet
    import nltk
    import nltk.stem.wordnet

    # Avoid failure if a NULL is passed in.
    if not word:
        return word

    wnl = nltk.stem.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()
    lemma = wnl.lemmatize(word.lower())

    table = {
        "whisky": "whiskey",  # Use the American spelling.
    return table.get(lemma, lemma)

Deployment should take about two minutes.

Using the remote functions

Once the deployment completes, you can test this function.

lemmatize = bpd.read_gbq_function(f"{project_id}.functions.lemmatize")

words = bpd.Series(["whiskies", "whisky", "whiskey", "vodkas", "vodka"])

Expected output:

0	whiskey
1	whiskey
2	whiskey
3	vodka
4	vodka

dtype: string

8. Comparing alcohol consumption by county

Now that the lemmatize function is available, use it to combine categories.

Finding the word to best summarize the category

First, create a DataFrame of all categories in the database.

df = bpd.read_gbq_table("bigquery-public-data.iowa_liquor_sales.sales")

categories = (
    .rename(columns={"category_name": "total_orders"})

Expected output:

category_name	total_orders
0	100 PROOF VODKA	99124
1	100% AGAVE TEQUILA	724374
...	...	...
102	WHITE RUM	436553
103 rows × 2 columns

Next, create a DataFrame of all words in the categories, except for a few filler words like punctuation and "item".

words = (
        .str.split(" ")
    .assign(num_words=lambda _: _['words'].str.len())
    .rename(columns={"words": "word"})
words = words[
    # Remove punctuation and "item", unless it's the only word
    (words['word'].str.isalnum() & ~(words['word'].str.startswith('item')))
    | (words['num_words'] == 1)

Expected output:

category_name	total_orders	word	num_words
0	100 PROOF VODKA	99124	100	3
1	100 PROOF VODKA	99124	proof	3
2	100 PROOF VODKA	99124	vodka	3
...	...	...	...	...
252	WHITE RUM	436553	white	2
253	WHITE RUM	436553	rum	2
254 rows × 4 columns

Note that by lemmatizing after grouping, you are reducing the load on your Cloud Function. It is possible to apply the lemmatize function on each of the several million rows in the database, but it would cost more than applying it after grouping and may require quota increases.

lemmas = words.assign(lemma=lambda _: _["word"].apply(lemmatize))

Expected output:

category_name	total_orders	word	num_words	lemma
0	100 PROOF VODKA	99124	100	3	100
1	100 PROOF VODKA	99124	proof	3	proof
2	100 PROOF VODKA	99124	vodka	3	vodka
...	...	...	...	...	...
252	WHITE RUM	436553	white	2	white
253	WHITE RUM	436553	rum	2	rum
254 rows × 5 columns

Now that the words have been lemmatized, you need to select the lemma that best summarizes the category. Since there aren't many function words in the categories, use the heuristic that if a word appears in multiple other categories, it's likely better as a summarizing word (e.g. whiskey).

lemma_counts = (
    .groupby("lemma", as_index=False)
    .agg({"total_orders": "sum"})
    .rename(columns={"total_orders": "total_orders_with_lemma"})

categories_with_lemma_counts = lemmas.merge(lemma_counts, on="lemma")

max_lemma_count = (
    .groupby("category_name", as_index=False)
    .agg({"total_orders_with_lemma": "max"})
    .rename(columns={"total_orders_with_lemma": "max_lemma_count"})

categories_with_max = categories_with_lemma_counts.merge(

categories_mapping = categories_with_max[
    categories_with_max['total_orders_with_lemma'] == categories_with_max['max_lemma_count']
].groupby("category_name", as_index=False).max()

Expected output:

	category_name	total_orders	word	num_words	lemma	total_orders_with_lemma	max_lemma_count
0	100 PROOF VODKA	99124	vodka	3	vodka	7575769	7575769
1	100% AGAVE TEQUILA	724374	tequila	3	tequila	1601092	1601092
2	AGED DARK RUM	59433	rum	3	rum	3226633	3226633
...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...
100	WHITE CREME DE CACAO	7213	white	4	white	446225	446225
101	WHITE CREME DE MENTHE	2459	white	4	white	446225	446225
102	WHITE RUM	436553	rum	2	rum	3226633	3226633
103 rows × 7 columns

Now that there is a single lemma summarizing each category, merge this to the original DataFrame.

df_with_lemma = df.merge(

Expected output:

	invoice_and_item_number	...	lemma	total_orders_with_lemma	max_lemma_count
0	S30989000030	...	vodka	7575769	7575769
1	S30538800106	...	vodka	7575769	7575769
2	S30601200013	...	vodka	7575769	7575769
3	S30527200047	...	vodka	7575769	7575769
4	S30833600058	...	vodka	7575769	7575769
5 rows × 30 columns

Comparing counties

Compare sales in each county to see what differences there are.

county_lemma = (
    .groupby(["county", "lemma"])
    .agg({"volume_sold_liters": "sum"})
    # Cast to an integer for more deterministic equality comparisons.
    .assign(volume_sold_int64=lambda _: _['volume_sold_liters'].astype("Int64"))

Find the most sold product (lemma) in each county.

county_max = (
    .agg({"volume_sold_int64": "max"})

county_max_lemma = county_lemma[
    county_lemma["volume_sold_int64"] == county_max["volume_sold_int64"]


Expected output:

	volume_sold_liters	volume_sold_int64
county	lemma		
SCOTT	vodka	6044393.1	6044393
APPANOOSE	whiskey	292490.44	292490
HAMILTON	whiskey	329118.92	329118
...	...	...	...
WORTH	whiskey	100542.85	100542
MITCHELL	vodka	158791.94	158791
RINGGOLD	whiskey	65107.8	65107
101 rows × 2 columns

How different are the counties from each other?


Expected output:

american	1
liqueur	1
vodka	15
whiskey	83

dtype: Int64

In most counties, whiskey is the most popular product by volume, with vodka most popular in 15 counties. Compare this to the most popular liquor types statewide.

total_liters = (
    .agg({"volume_sold_liters": "sum"})
    .sort_values("volume_sold_liters", ascending=False)

Expected output:

vodka	85356422.950001
whiskey	85112339.980001
rum	33891011.72
american	19994259.64
imported	14985636.61
tequila	12357782.37
cocktails/rtd	7406769.87

Whiskey and vodka have nearly the same volume, with vodka a bit higher than whiskey statewide.

Comparing proportions

What is unique about the sales in each county? What makes the county different from the rest of the state?

Use the Cohen's h measure to find which liquor sales volumes differ the most proportionally from what would be expected based on the proportion of sales statewide.

import numpy as np

total_proportions = total_liters / total_liters.sum()
total_phi = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(total_proportions))

county_liters = df_with_lemma.groupby(["county", "lemma"]).agg({"volume_sold_liters": "sum"})
county_totals = df_with_lemma.groupby(["county"]).agg({"volume_sold_liters": "sum"})
county_proportions = county_liters / county_totals
county_phi = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(county_proportions))

cohens_h = (
    (county_phi - total_phi)
    .rename(columns={"volume_sold_liters": "cohens_h"})
    .assign(cohens_h_int=lambda _: (_['cohens_h'] * 1_000_000).astype("Int64"))

Now that the Cohen's h has been measured for each lemma, find the largest difference from the statewide proportion in each county.

# Note: one might want to use the absolute value here if interested in counties
# that drink _less_ of a particular liquor than expected.
largest_per_county = cohens_h.groupby("county").agg({"cohens_h_int": "max"})
counties = cohens_h[cohens_h['cohens_h_int'] == largest_per_county["cohens_h_int"]]
counties.sort_values('cohens_h', ascending=False).to_pandas()

Expected output:

	cohens_h	cohens_h_int
county	lemma		
EL PASO	liqueur	1.289667	1289667
ADAMS	whiskey	0.373591	373590
IDA	whiskey	0.306481	306481
OSCEOLA	whiskey	0.295524	295523
PALO ALTO	whiskey	0.293697	293696
...	...	...	...
MUSCATINE	rum	0.053757	53757
MARION	rum	0.053427	53427
MITCHELL	vodka	0.048212	48212
WEBSTER	rum	0.044896	44895
CERRO GORDO	cocktails/rtd	0.027496	27495
100 rows × 2 columns

The larger the Cohen's h value, the more likely it is that there is a statistically significant difference in the amount of that type of alcohol consumed compared to the state averages. For the smaller positive values, the difference in consumption is different than the statewide average, but it may be due to random differences.

An aside: EL PASO county doesn't appear to be a county in Iowa this may indicate another need for data cleanup before fully depending on these results.

Visualizing counties

Join with the bigquery-public-data.geo_us_boundaries.counties table to get the geographic area for each county. County names are not unique across the United States, so filter to only include counties from Iowa. The FIPS code for Iowa is ‘19'.

counties_geo = (
    .assign(county=lambda _: _['county_name'].str.upper())
counties_plus = (
    .merge(counties_geo[counties_geo['state_fips_code'] == '19'], on="county", how="left")

Expected output:

county	lemma	cohens_h	cohens_h_int	geo_id	state_fips_code	...
0	ALLAMAKEE	american	0.087931	87930	19005	19	...
1	BLACK HAWK	american	0.106256	106256	19013	19	...
2	WINNESHIEK	american	0.093101	93101	19191	19	...
...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...
96	CLINTON	tequila	0.075708	75707	19045	19	...
97	POLK	tequila	0.087438	87438	19153	19	...
98	LEE	schnapps	0.064663	64663	19111	19	...
99 rows × 23 columns

Use GeoPandas to visualize these differences on a map.

import geopandas

counties_plus = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(counties_plus, geometry="county_geom")

# https://stackoverflow.com/a/42214156/101923
ax = counties_plus.plot(figsize=(14, 14))
    lambda row: ax.annotate(

A map of the alcohol that is most different from statewide sales volume proportions in each county

9. Clean up

If you have created a new Google Cloud project for this tutorial, you can delete it to prevent additional charges for tables or other resources created.

Alternatively, delete the Cloud Functions, service accounts, and datasets created for this tutorial.

10. Congratulations!

You have cleaned and analyzed structured data using BigQuery DataFrames. Along the way you've explored Google Cloud's Public Datasets, Python notebooks in BigQuery Studio, BigQuery ML, BigQuery Remote Functions, and the power of BigQuery DataFrames. Fantastic job!

Next steps